1. If you were the girl on the bus, would you have asked Bobby to stay? Give reasons for why or why not.
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Yes. I would have asked him to stay. If i was blind and couldnt see anything I would want to chat with someone.
ReplyDeleteIf I were the girl I would have asked him to stay. Maybe this is just because I have read it and know what Bobby was thinking but I would have asked him to stay because he seemed really nice and he seemed to like me. I would have asked him to stay so I could get to know him better, have some nice company, and get to know his name.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think it would be like to be blind? i think it would be really bad because most people say " see ya " like Bobby. It would make me sad to not see anything.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be very hard to be blind. I agree that it would be hard when people said things like "see ya!" because well, I couldn't see ya because I was blind. I think eventually I would get used to things like that though.
As a sidenote, one of my biggest fears is going blind. I have an eye phobia and it freaks me out ot have anything near my eye.
ReplyDeleteI am VERY impressed with the discussion the two of you ladies are providing to one another. I think there is potential here to get into some deep issues. Well done.
I would have just said sorry maybe answered the questions and tried to make friends with him quickly but i would let him go because if he was running, he probably had to get somewhere fast
ReplyDeleteNo because i won't be able to see if he pickpockets me.
ReplyDeleteIf I were the girl I would have asked Bobby to stay until he needed to leave because as a blind person you want to be able to communicate with people. I would chat with him and tried to get to know him more so that I would be able to have a friend.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand your answer. You are the one to start the conversation not Bobby.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Bobby pickpocket the girl? Bobby is in a rush and wouldn't care about taking the valuables when he has to beat his dad home.
1. If I was the girl on the bus, I would just say thanks and take a minute to make sure I had everything. I might start a little conversation but not a long one, to show that there are no hard feelings. I would make sure I had everything because you never know if a person would run into you on purpose if they are trying to steal something.
ReplyDeleteJason, I am not really following where you are going, try to add a little more.
Courtney, I like your answer, but how do you know that the blind person doesn't already have friends? Also on your reply to Jason, if you are the blind girl, you don't know anything about Bobby, to her he is just another person and if Bobby was a badguy, he very well could of stolen her stuff.
I would ask him to stay because if I was blind, I would want someone to talk to.
ReplyDeleteIf you were the girl what decision would you have made.??
ReplyDeleteThe blind girl probably does have friends. I never said she didn't. In the other part of your response, Bobby isn't a bad guy so he wouldn't steal from her. If you were Bobby would you of stolen from her? I wouldn't because then I would feel bad for taking something from a person who wouldn't notice it was gone.
I wonder what you would get caught doing when your three hour time was up???
ReplyDeleteIf I were the girl then I would definitely want Bobby to stay. He seemed like a nice boy, exept for when he said "SEE you around." That was just on accident and I would probably know that.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Bobby pick-pocket the girl he was in a hurry and he is not that kind of person.
If I were the girl I would just pick up my stuff and make a little small talk. It kind of freaks me out to talk to strangers.
ReplyDeleteThen how would you make new friends LILY???