1. What does Bobby do when he is invisible?
2.What are the advantages to being invisible?3. What are the disadvantages?
-Be specific, provide examples, think about your every day life, think about your life in the future days, etc. Be creative.
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1. While bobby is invisible he goes to the library, unfortunately the hospital, and he meets a blind girl while at the library.
ReplyDelete2. The advantages to being invisible is you can go anywhere and people wouldnt know you were there.
3. The disadvantages to being invisible are that you cant put on clothes or anything or else it would be suspisious. Also you cant speak or gasp or make any noise around strangers becuase it would catch their attention and probably scare the life of them. Lastly, people never know your actually there ( like bobbys mother ) and it could annoy you to tell people that your there.
1-Answer: When Bobby is invisible he goes to the library where he meets many people, the hospital unfortunately when his parents are there, and then his own home. those are the only place he has gone so far in my reading.
ReplyDelete2-Answer: The advantages of being invisible are that no one can see you and you can do whatever you want. No one would see you so no one could judge you and you wouldn't have to deal with people but you could still be around them. Like watching you life from a distance. You could follow people around with out them knowing and be a snoop. It would be fun!
3-Answer: The disadvantages of being invisible is that you could not talk to people or meet new people without scaring the bejeepers out of them. Besides if you told them, even if you said don't tell anyone, you couldn't trust that they would. Plus, you could watch your life from a distance and all but then you couldn't really be part of you life or hang out with your friends at the park. And when you are snooping, you often find things out that you didn't want to know or that will make thing awkward from then on. It could really ruin things as well as making things better. It would be fun, but not at he same time.
Love your answer to 2 Gabs. Thats funny. If you were invisble who would you snoop on in our grade? :P
ReplyDelete-- Jane :O) - clowny -
I would probably snoop on everybody. Yes that includes you Jane.
ReplyDeleteGreat. Thats gonna a feeling I'll love. My friend snooping on my business. :P
ReplyDelete-- Jane :O)
1. There are a couple things he does. He sits in his room looking at the mirror seeing only the robe. This made me feel like the time my little sister was born. It had to all be about her, she's little and I'm 12! You feel completely invisible! He also sneaks out and goes to the library. If I were invisible I wouldn't go to the library, even if I had lothes on. What kinda creeped me out was that when he got to the library he took all his clothes off!
ReplyDelete2. An advantage to being invisible is that you could scare the heck out of people. Which is fun! Another advantage is that you can get out of problems easily. If someone is yelling at you, you could just slip away. I wish I could do that.
3. Some disadvantages are that if you're talking to someone they could be focusing on something completely different. Like when you're talking to little kids and Dora's on. You tell them something and they don't hear a thing. It's so annoying!
You know what Gabby, it would be fun unless you're the one being snooped on. Am I right? :-P
ReplyDeleteI agreee with Griff
ReplyDeleteI also understand Gabby's curious nature.
ReplyDeleteIf you are invisible, how can you have real relationships with people? How would that affect your social life?
ReplyDeleteMiss Bailin,
ReplyDeleteIf you were invisible you couldnt talk to your friends and then they could forget about you if liek Bobby cant find a way to reverse it quick enough. It would affect your social life because being me a girl we love to gossip. If i were invisible i wouldnt be able to go in on the gossip because A) I wouldnt be able to talk and B) you may not even be at school as in Bobbys case.
-- Jane :O)
Bobby goes tyo the Hospital, the library and home.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that there are any advantages or disadvantages. In a way, every thing is both good and bad. Just like snooping on people. you may be able to see things that they do that they normally don't do but you may see things that oyu don't want to see. it is all evened out
ReplyDeleteInteresting point. Isn't it fascinating how our social norms dictate what we do? If I could not speak to my friends because it would scare them, then I think I would talk to them when they are asleep, so they think it is a dream. It might be eye-opening to observe my friends without me present because everyone "acts" differently around different people. I wonder what it would be like to be an observer without having a hand in the gossip. What could I learn from that?
1 When bobby is invisible he goes to the library and meets a blind girl he also goes to the hospital to check on his parents
ReplyDelete2 The advatages are you can go around and poke someone and then they blame the guy next to them. Or make a farting noise in a crowded area and watch everyone defend themselves and blame others. Or sneak up on people and spy on them. There is also much more things you could do while you are invisible.
3 the dissadvatage would be that you would have to tell your parents where you are all the time.
1. When Bobby is invisible he goes to many places around his home. For example, the kitchen and his bedroom. He also travels to the library where he is almost caught, but figures out the girl can't see him because she is blind.
ReplyDelete2. The advantages of being invisible are you can do the most horrible thing and not be caught because no one can see you. Also, you can listen in on a converation like a teachers and know what students are their favorites and the ones they dislike. Another advantage to being invisible is talking in a persons ear and then let them think they are crazy.
3. The disadvantages of being invisible are not being able to talk to your friends without them freaking out. Also, like Jason said, you would have to tell your parents where you are because then they too would freak out. Lastly, you would hear things that disgust you and make you angry. For example, a group of friends could be talking bad about you when they think you aren't there. Not that any of my friends talk bad about me.
I wonder if there is a suit that tricks the human eye into thinking that the person is not there. That would be totally awesome if there was one!
1. When Bobby is invisible, he first goes to the library. Here he gets a better feel for grabing things and using his arms and legs better. After this he goes home and his dad is already home. When his dad leaves to get mom, they get in a car accident. Then Bobby goes to visit them there.
ReplyDelete2. The advantages of being invisible is that you can do whatever you want, go places you've never been to, and do thing s that yuo have never done.
3. The disadvantages of being invisible is that you won't be able to interact with anyone. For me, I'm not a big social person, but even I have to talk alot to get through one day at school. You also wouldn't even be able to go to school because you couldn't let anyone know that you are there. Also I wouldn't be able to play sports at all. I play soccer and baseball at the same time to keep active, and if I was invisible, I wouldn't be able to play sports. Aslo in the future all of the advantages would get boring and they would turn into disadvantages.
ReplyDeleteJason, can you find any more advantages besides pranks? That only falls in one category.
Courtney, can you think of another category besides eavsdropping and pranks? Most likely you wouldn't hear bad things about you unless you were eavsdropping.
As bobby is invisible he goes to the library, he meets a blind girl while at the library, and goes to the hospital.
ReplyDeleteOne advantage is you can go where ever you want without anyone noticing.
ReplyDeleteThere are many disadvanteges. One would be turning visible without clothes on, You can't wear anything without people staring at you awkwardly. If you made a noise people would think there is a ghost behind them and freak out and you couldn't make new friends easily.
ReplyDeleteIf I was invisible, it wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop. Another category for disadvantages would be the effect of my social life. I wouldn't be able to communicate with any of my friends or play softball. If I couldn't play softball I would probably die. It is one sport I can't live without.
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ReplyDelete1. Bobby goes to the Library while he is invisible, at the Library he scares a girl on accident, then Bobby comes home where his dad is, his dad leaves to go get his mom and they get into a car accident , they go to the ER and Bobby visits them there.
ReplyDelete2. Some advantages to being invisible are that you can scare people and make things float, or so it seems. While people are just sitting/standing you can lift up their hair and scare them that way. Also you could take maybe a fork and move it around in the air, then to other people it looks like the fork is floating.
3. Some disadvantages are that nobody can see you, obviously, but if you are trying to show them something with your visible features then you cannot. Also people will get freaked out when they just hear a voice talikng without seeing anything.
1.) Bobby first goes to the library and then he goes to the hospital to visit his mom and dad who have just been in a car accident.
ReplyDelete2.)Some advantages to being invisible would be like doing anything you want to because no one can catch you.
3.) The disadvantages is that you might seriously spook someone and they think that you are a monster which would hurt my feelings because it isn't my fault. Also you can't see yourself which can be kind of irritating.