1. Do you feel that Becker's relationship with his younger brother is "typical" of most sibling relationships? Explain. Compare it with your sibling relationships if possible.
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No I don't think it is a typical relationship because he "Seems" to enjoy telling him stories. Also Becker has his brother with him whenever they are being babysitted.
ReplyDeleteYes I think it is a typical relationship, because in my opinion anything that is not hate between siblings is typical, but, I know it seems like most siblings "hate" each other, but when(in real life) do you actually hear about real hate in sibling relationships in real life?
ReplyDelete1. A~ I think the relationship between Becker and his younger brother is a typical relationship. He takes his brother with him on some of his journeys.
ReplyDelete1 A. A~ The relationship between my sister and I is similar to Beckers and his siblings. We tell each other stories, do a lot together, but then have a hidden world from each other. She and I have drawn a line in the sand and anything beyond that line we don't tell each other. That may be hard for you to believe since I have a "big mouth" but it's true.
Aaron why isn't telling a sibling stories, and taking them places not a typic relationship. Not that I don't agree with you but why did you put that as not typical??
1-A: I think that Becker's relationship with his brother is pretty typical. He is telling him a story because he cares about him. That is the same with my brother. I tell him most things but some I don't share.
ReplyDeleteKaci I put that their because I most of the people I know don't like their siblings and I don't have one so I wouldn't know what it is like.
ReplyDeleteI do not think their relationship is typical with his brother because most brothers argue and get in fights with each other.
ReplyDeletei think the relationship between becker and ben aren't tipical because like collin said brothers arque more that they play with each other.
ReplyDeleteI think their relationship is normal because they annoy each other but they still love each other, like when Becker tells his brother stories.
ReplyDeleteI can't because I am an only child.
ReplyDeleteI heard about a brother and sister that sometimes hate each other because they pick on each other, of corse they make up, but there not always happy with each other.
aaron, wouldn't he be with his brother if there was no babysiiter with?
ReplyDeleteAlex, I am just making sure in case I missed something, but the book didn't say anything about them annoying each other. (I don't think it did anyway.) I didn't exactly understand your post, could you expand your ideas a little? Thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic play on words Aaron! :)
ReplyDeleteSierra-I can tell that you are really reading the text and using evidence from it. This is a very important skill. Bravo! You would be an excellent lawyer.
ReplyDeleteI love how you are all sharing insights into your family structures. You can learn a lot from your peers' postings. :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's typical for normal people. But i LOVE my little sister. Cause i'm a good brother.
ReplyDeleteWhen she's a teenager I'll be in college.