Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Seems 9

1. What is the 7th Sense? Do you have it? How do you know?


  1. Appendix A, Glossary of terms, Page# 255:

    7th Sense:An innate or feeling that something in The Seems has gone wrong and will soon effect The World. Fixers often use this skill to track the location and/or nature of Malfunction.
    Yes I have this sense, because sometimes I get this strange feeling that something could possibly go wrong that is not my fault, but will effect me.

  2. Appendix A, Glossary of Terms, Page Number 255

    1. A~ A Seventh Sense is an innate sense or feeling that something in The Seems has gone wrong and will soon affect The World. Fixers often use this skill to track the location and/or nature of Malfunction.

    1 A. A~ I have this sense because if I am talking with my friends near a person doing something you and I know they are not supposed to be doing, I gather and move my friends too another area so it won't affect us in the end and I don't know exactly why I moved them but I did. I find it a little wierd.

  3. Appendix A, Glossary of Terms, Page Number 255

    1-A: The seventh sense is: An innate sense or feeling that something in the Seems has gone wrong and will soon affect The World. Fixers often use this skill to track the location and/or nature of a Malfunction.

    1-B: I don't think I have the seventh sense because it is a feeling that something IN THE SEEMS has gone wrong and I have never even thought that there is a place like the Seems.

  4. The 7th sense is a sense that tells if something is wrong in the Seems that will affect the World. Fixers will use this to track the problem.

  5. The 7th sense is that something in the seems has gone wrong. I do not have the 7th sense.

  6. The 7th sense is what fixers and briefers have and it tells the person that has it that something is wrong in the Seems. For example, the part in the department of wether were they make lightning has a glitch, a fixer or briefer will feel that they need to make sure everything is running smoothly.

    I don't have a 7th sense because I am not employed in the Seems and I don't know if there is a seems at all.

  7. Kaci:
    Doesn't keeping away from someone that is doing bad common sense so you and your friends don't get in trouble. Or do you count common sense as a 7th sense? If so what is the 6th sense?

  8. Appendix A, Page Number 255, 1st paragraph

    the 7th sence is a feeling that something in The Seems has gone wrong and will soon effect The World. Fixers often use this skill to track the location and/or nature of Malfunction.

    i know i don't have it because i'm not a fixer or briefer in the seems

  9. Derek, isn't the seventh sense knowing when something goes wrong in the SEEMS? How would you know there was a Seems?

  10. Many of your answers show a variety of ways to interpret the questions and your personal beliefs. Well done!

  11. Alex-I like how you are asking questions and analyzing the "true" (which is personal) meaning of this question.

  12. I like how some of you used the exact terminology from the text and others paraphrased it. That shows me you are trying not to repeat ideas the exact same way.

  13. Sierra, what do you mean by, how would I know there was a Seems?

  14. The 7th sense is a feelin a fixer gets when something goes wrong. I have it. Usually I feel weird like a stomach or head ache.
