Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Seems 16

1. What do you think of Fixer Blaque's teaching technique? Explain.


  1. It's good, because it really prepares the Briefers/Fixers for their careers and missions.

  2. 1. A~ I think it's exceptional!!! It really prepares the workers for their careers and missions. It also gives them practice and a heads up on what he's expecting.

  3. i think Fixer Blaque's teeaching technique is good enough to help the briefers/canidates become ready to be a Fixer and keep them alive.

  4. Kaci basicly took the words right out of my mouth. I completely agree 100%. Although I do think that it could have been better.

    Ben do you think that Simly could eventualy become a Fixer using Blaque's technique even though he is a Seemseain?

  5. Aaron I think that Simly will become a Fixer.

    Kaci what could do better about Fixer Blaque's teaching? Please explain

  6. I think Fixer Blaque's teaching technique is wonderful. It makes the Briefers and Fixers well aware of what is up ahead and it gives them useful tips or pointers. I would teach the same way.

  7. I think that his teaching style is very unique. He uses examples to make the fixers and breifers rememder the facts he gives in class.

  8. Ben, I agree with you because I think that Simly will become a fixer, just a fixer without the 7th sense, because, being a semsian and all, he doesn't have a 7th sense.

  9. It's good training. He had them run and untie knots and other stuff. But a little to energy usive for me. :)
