1. Why does the Population Law pass each year?
2. How would you vote? Explain.
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1. The population passes every year because the government either forces or the mojoraty of the people honestly don't care, and they'll do what the government wants. Also, the government scares the people with lies.
ReplyDelete2. I would vote "no". I would vote no because I would search for the truth, and I could use common sense. Anyone in their right mind would find the sense that it is bad.
The population law passes each year like Stephen said because the government either forces people to vote for it or the people think it doesn't matter.I would most defiantly vote no. I think that it is the peoples choice about these kinds of things and the government should butt out.
ReplyDelete1. The Population Law was passed every year because the population is too high and there is supposedly not enough food for everyone.
ReplyDelete2. I would absolutley vote NO for the Population Law to pass, if there wasn't enough food then they could grow more in their fields.
1. The Poplulation Law is passed each year because the government still thinks there isn't enough food for everyone, when there is, the Barons just eat all of it.
ReplyDelete2. I would vote NO! There is plenty of food for everyone, only government and high class Barons are the one's receiving it.
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't the government care? They are talking about a life and death situation. Too many people die because they don't evenly spread out the food and they don't care.
How can you relate this to voting in our world today?
ReplyDeleteThe population law is passed because of the president's proudness of being able to totally control the population. They cover this up by saying there is not enough food. This is a good reason, but the government is causing this by keeping every1 exept the barons in poverty so the farmers cant aquire decent equipment to farm with.. I would vote no because there would be plenty of food if the government wasnt keeping every1 in poverty.
ReplyDeleteThe Population Law is passed year after year because most people want to have enough food and if some people don't agree they are forced to agree with the government. Also some people just agree with the government out of fear that they will get into trouble.
ReplyDeleteI would vote that the law should not pass. I don't care if the government would kill me because I would be dying for a good cause!
I think the population law is passed each year because the government scares lies into the people's heads.
ReplyDeleteI would vote "no" because I would probably do some research, and find what Jen found. anyway, there is plenty of food for everyone, but only government and high class Barons are the one's receiving it.
The population law passes every year because teh government is lying to the people about the population law and hiding stuff from them. This makes them think that all people are free and there are no "shadow children".
ReplyDeleteI would vote for the law to not pass because reading and researching I would know the truth and not rely on teh government tosupposedly help other people. As sierra said, I would want to die for trying to do what i sright.
The Population Law passes each year because the government scares them into thinking the world is going to end if it does not pass. THey over exaggerate thing which make people freak out. The people are afraid of not having enough food when really, all the Barons are eating the food.
ReplyDeleteI would vote no but that may be because I know what is going on and am not really in the story. I know how the government is lying but if I didn't, i could possibly get sucked into saying yes. I am hoping I would realize how bad that law is but you never know.