1. What do you think her father means by this quote?
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I think her father means that Bobby is like a black hole because instead of reflecting light like a normal human does, Bobby is absorbing that light so that he can't be seen. In my opinion Bobby is also like a black hole in that what he eats comes out invisible. That's just like a black hole sucking things in in.
ReplyDeleteI think her father means like Bobby is sorta like a black hole because in theory black holes suck up objects and make them disappear and when bobby holds something say the roll of twenties it disappears too. Also that a black hole can even suck in light and bobby can be seen under light just faintly.
ReplyDeletei think this means that the fact can't be ignored, their is some mystery of why he dissapeared. he was ignored in his normal life because he was average. now that he is different people can't help to notice him if he lets them. the same is with alicia. because balck is just the reflection of white, some visible light must have altered his form as one gone. that is why a black hole is used as a example to him.
ReplyDeleteI think that the quote means that Bobby can not reflect light it just sucks it up. I mean, if you don't reflect light what do you do?
ReplyDeleteI think her father means that Bobby is a black hole because black holes absorb light, just like Bobby, to make things disappear when it sucks the stuff in. Bobby, when he tucks something under his arm, for example, the papers he snuck off with. They were not completely gone, but nether are the things when they're sucked into the black hole.
ReplyDeleteGabrielle, I did a project on blackholes and even though bobby's papers didn't dissapear for good a blackhole immediately obliterates anything that enters it.
ReplyDeleteI think this means that his dad was saying that like a black hole sucks things up and makes them beome invisible like what ever Bobby eats is like invisible. They give thim things and it disappears like a black hole.
ReplyDeleteI think his father mean Bobby is kind of like a black hole. Because what ever he puts inside of him comes out invisible or to other people it's just not their anymore kind of like how a black hole sucks up everything.
ReplyDeleteI think her father meant that he is like a black hole because black holes are unknown and no one knows much about them just like Bobby's invisibility condition. Also, I think he means Bobby is like a black hole because black holes suck in things and then disappear, but aren't entirely gone like when Bobby holds a coin it disappears, but is still there.
ReplyDelete1. I think that Alicia's father said this because there is not a lot know about black holes. Same with Bobby all we, or anybody else, know is that he is invisible and all that we know about the black hole is that it sucks everythings into it.
ReplyDeleteJust a question to everyone: Where do you think the things that get sucked up in the black hole go?
ReplyDeleteDevon, answer to your question, either out a white hole, or crushed with gravity and squirted out.
ReplyDelete1. He means that Bobby is taking all the light, like a black hole and he is not reflecting it so he is invisible, and black holes are invisible too, so tat is why he is like a black hole.
Devon/Courtney, aren't black holes also inviible like Bobby?
ReplyDeleteHe says that because Bobby absorbs light like a blackhole. Even though he is a scientist I disagree with him. This is because a blackhole takes things in and you cant find where it goes and it only takes not gives. Bobby spat at the mirror and a blackhole cant do that.
ReplyDeleteThat is an EXCELLENT connection Devon I never would have thought of that.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, I think the objects go to a different dimension where humans cannot travel.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure if they are invisible or not. Do you think you could research it and report your findings back to the blog?
ReplyDeleteDo black holes "spit" objects out? Or do they crush the objects until they are too small to see? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteFirst off al I hope this posts. I know this question nwasn't asked to me but what ever. Anyway I think they do both. They suck it up crush it until you can't see it and then spit it out but that is just my opinion.
Courtney, I haven't had much time to research, but so far nobody knows what one looks like, they have gust found the gravity pull. All of the pictures you see are guesses. They are either invisible to our knowledge, or they are invisible to the eye.