Monday, March 9, 2009

The Seems 47

1. Review the novel...Rate it on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest). What do you think was the best part of the novel and the worst part of the novel? Explain. 

2. Will you read the sequel? Why or why not?


  1. 1. A~ I would give the novel a 2 because I got really into it a first and then it totally lost my intrest. I can't wait to be done with this book.
    2. A~ I would not read the sequal because I didn't like this book and it got really borring to me so I would never in a million years read the sequal.

  2. i would rate the book 6 because it's not the best book i've ever read and it's not even close. my favorite part was when becker was in your worsest nightmare. the worst part was the end because it wasn't long enough.

    yes i would read the sequal because this book interested me.

  3. i would rate this book a 2 because although there were occasional good parts there were mostly boring parts. i would not read the sequel

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would give this book a 2/5. At the beggining I was hooked and kept reading ahead, but then the author kind of dropped me and I lost all intrest. The best part was the beginning when he finds the form and fills it out. The worst part was the ending. It just overall made no sense.

    I will not read the sequel. I have no intrest at all to read it!

  6. I would give this book a 7 out of 5 because it was so good. There were absolutly no bad parts. Yes I would read the sequel.

    Ben the scale was out of 5 and by what you scored it as you made it sound like it was the best book ever.

  7. Share with us the specific boring parts and some specific interesting parts.

  8. Many of your forgot to write the best and worst parts in detail for us. I can't tell if you actually read the novel without this piece. It is part of your comprehension score on the rubric.

  9. I found the best part being when he finds the form and fills it out and when the glitch is being captured but the worst parts were the ending which made no sense and when he was in his friends dream.

  10. Kaci:
    I would like to know why and when you lost your interest in the book.

  11. 1. I would give the book a 4 out of 5 because it was very good and there were only a few "dry" parts. The best part was when they found the glitch because the author made it so exciting.

    2. I will read the sequel because I want to see what other adventures Becker will go on.

  12. I forgot:
    the worst part is when Becker had a bad dream about the glitch wining because I thought he did win.

  13. Sierra:
    What parts got you hooked and what parts dropped you.

  14. i rate it a 7 on a scale of 1-5, because it is so good. that is a 140%. there wasn't a "worst" part in the whole book. I liked all of it.

  15. Alex, the part when Becker fills out the application is the part that hooked me, and then after Becker started the mission to fix the glitch I was dropped.

  16. Derek,
    Did you even like the parts when the author made us think Becker failed?

  17. Sorry, but to those people who gave the book a 6 or a 7 I didn't really understand. The post said that 5 was the highest. Does that mean you gave it the highest possible score?
