Monday, March 9, 2009

The Seems 32

1. Should rules be follower even if they don't seem like the right thing to do? Explain your answer. 


  1. No and yes, no because you mite think something is wrong but it is actually right, but if the rule is no hitting and someone keeps hitting you you may need to hit to not get hurt.

  2. Yes because if you don't follow the rules then you can be severly punished. No because you should be able to do what you think is right.

    Alex, why do you think that people should resort to violence in order to deal with a bulie?

  3. yes if the rule is not harmful in any way and no if it is because if a rule was you had to hit someone everyday i wouldn't follow it.

  4. No, rules should not be followed if they don't seem like the right thing to do by the majority of the people involved or if they go against the "G-d" given rights of all mankind.

  5. Rules should followed. Unless they seem like they are not the right thing to do. Sometimes, to do what's right is to break the rules. To win a battle of mind and strategy is to push the limits and think outside the box.
